Taille d'un tilleul

Publié jeudi 22 décembre 2016 Commenter 9194
fleurs de tilleul


Le tilleul est un arbre très vigoureux. Les tailles ne lui sont donc pas néfastes et elles permettent au contraire de limiter sa croissance séculaire.

Il existe différentes tailles de tilleul que l’on peut réaliser à différents moments de l’année :

Taille de juin

Cette taille est réservée aux sujets pour lesquels vous voulez avoir un tronc très haut. Taillez les branches en faisant attention à ne pas endommager la couronne. Pour les branches les plus grosses, sciez-les à 10 cm du tronc et finissez si nécessaire par une coupe de l’éventuel chicon restant. Prenez la précaution de faire une incision préalable sur la face inférieure de la branche pour ne pas qu’elle se déchire en sciant la partie supérieure.

Taille de septembre

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Cette taille est réservée aux jeunes arbres. Il faut tailler le tilleul avant qu’il n'ait perdu son feuillage. Ne réalisez pas des coupes trop franches. Supprimez les rameaux excessifs de manière à conserver un port homogène et érigé.

Taille d’hiver

La taille d’hiver s’effectue entre octobre et mars. Evitez cependant de tailler en période de gel. Vous pouvez effectuer des tailles assez franches. Si vous le souhaitez, vous pourrez même changer la forme de la couronne de votre arbre. L’aspect que vous voulez donner à votre arbre est très libre chez le tilleul. En effet, il n’existe pas de forme particulière à respecter. Cependant, la forme la plus naturelle est celle de la « patate » : plus large à la base qu’au niveau de la cime. Tâchez le plus possible de dégager la couronne de votre arbre. Supprimez ainsi les rameaux verticaux proches de celle-ci.

N’hésitez pas à créer des ouvertures pour que la lumière et les courants d’air puissent plus aisément pénétrer dans l’arbre. En effet, il est fréquent de trouver chez ces arbres très vigoureux un feuillage particulièrement dense mais composé de bois mort au centre.

De même, ne pas faîtes pas de cassures hétérogènes et réalisez des coupes franches pour éviter toutes maladies comme l'attaque des cochenilles farineuses.

Taille de printemps

Supprimez tous les drageons et repoussez ce que vous verrez sur le tronc et autour de celui-ci de manière à éviter une mise en concurrence de l’arbre pour les ressources minérales et hydriques notamment chez les jeunes sujets.

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Call the support number to get support & help from independent third party specialists to resolve the software and computer issues Call +1-865-424-1006 independent support,twitter support,snapchat support, skype phone number,panasonic customer service,google home setup, carbonite phone number, acer support number
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Call the support number to get support & help from independent third party specialists to resolve the software and computer issues Call +1-865-424-1006 independent support,twitter support,snapchat support, skype phone number,panasonic customer service,google home setup, carbonite phone number, acer support number
ashu - il y a 1799 jours
Call the support number to get support & help from independent third party specialists to resolve the software and computer issues Call +1-865-424-1006 independent support, Official support, OEM support, independent third party support, Voice support, support phone number, support number, customer service number, customer support number, customer service phone number, customer support phone number,twitter support, contact twitter, twitter help, twitter customer service, twitter support email, twitter phone number, twitter email, twitter support number, twitter customer service number, twitter number, call twitter, twitter support phone number, how to contact twitter, twitter contact email, contact twitter support, twitter help email, twitter help center, twitter support live chat,snapchat support, snapchat help, snapchat contact, snapchat number, snapchat customer service, snapchat phone number, snapchat support number, snapchat customer service number, how to contact snapchat, how to email snapchat, snapchatsupport, snapchat support email, call snapchat, snapchat call, snapchat contact number, snapchat support phone number, snapchat customer service phone number, snapchat contact us, snapchat customer support, snapchat help center,skype phone number, skype number, skype customer service, skype phone, skype support, skype help, skype customer service phone number, skype customer service phone number 1800, skype setup, skype customer service number, skype support phone number, skype support number, skype customer service 1 800, skype support chat,panasonic customer service, panasonic support, panasonic phone number, panasonic customer service number, panasonic customer support, panasonic customer service phone number, panasonic support phone number, panasonic telephone support, panasonic customer service 24 hours, panasonic help, panasonic contact, panasonic contact number, panasonic support number, panasonic customer care number, panasonic telephone number,google home setup, google home support, google home help, google home customer service, google home wifi setup, google home support phone number, google home support number, google home customer service number,carbonite phone number, carbonite support, carbonite customer service number, carbonite customer service, help carbonite, carbonite support phone number, carbonite customer service phone number, carbonite phone support, carbonite.com,acer support driver,acer support chat,acer live chat,acer phone,acer customer support,acer com support,acer support phone number,acer help,acer contact number,acer driver support,acer tech support number,acer laptop support,acer aspire support,acer computer support,acer technical support
ashu - il y a 1799 jours
Call the support number to get support & help from independent third party specialists to resolve the software and computer issues Call 1-808-468-0006 independent support,Official support,OEM support,independent third party support,Voice support,support phone number,support number,customer service number,customer support number,customer service phone number,customer support phone number,roadrunner email setup,road runner customer serviceroadrunner email supportroadrunner customer service,roadrunner support,roadrunner numbersroadrunner phone number,roadrunner email help,roadrunner email customer service,roadrunner email support phone number,roadrunner email customer service phone number,roadrunner email technical support,roadrunner email tech support,roadrunner email support number,roadrunner email customer service number,roadrunner email phone number,roadrunner email customer support,roadrunner email tech support phone number,roadrunner mail help,roadrunner email technical support phone number,roadrunner email set up,roadrunner mail setup,roadrunner email help phone number,roadrunner mail customer service,roadrunner email technical support number.road runner email setup,qsee support,q see customer service,qsee customer service,q see camera support,q see phone number,qsee support phone number,q see contact,q see quick support,qsee customer service phone number,q see customer service number,q see camera customer service number,q see customer support number,q see live chat,q see chat support,panasonic customer service,panasonic support,panasonic phone number,panasonic customer service number,panasonic customer support,panasonic customer service phone number,panasonic support phone number,panasonic telephone support,panasonic customer service 24 hours,panasonic help,panasonic contactpanasonic contact number,panasonic support number,panasonic customer care number,panasonic telephone number,nuance support,nuance technical support,nuance customer service,nuance dragon 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ashu - il y a 1799 jours
Call the support number to get support & help from independent third party specialists to resolve the software and computer issues Call 1-808-468-0006 independent support,Official support,OEM support,independent third party support,Voice support,support phone number,support number,customer service number,customer support number,customer service phone number,customer support phone number,roadrunner email setup,road runner customer serviceroadrunner email supportroadrunner customer service,roadrunner support,roadrunner numbersroadrunner phone number,roadrunner email help,roadrunner email customer service,roadrunner email support phone number,roadrunner email customer service phone number,roadrunner email technical support,roadrunner email tech support,roadrunner email support number,roadrunner email customer service number,roadrunner email phone number,roadrunner email customer support,roadrunner email tech support phone number,roadrunner mail help,roadrunner email technical support phone number,roadrunner email set up,roadrunner mail setup,roadrunner email help phone number,roadrunner mail customer service,roadrunner email technical support number.road runner email setup,qsee support,q see customer service,qsee customer service,q see camera support,q see phone number,qsee support phone number,q see contact,q see quick support,qsee customer service phone number,q see customer service number,q see camera customer service number,q see customer support number,q see live chat,q see chat support,panasonic customer service,panasonic support,panasonic phone number,panasonic customer service number,panasonic customer support,panasonic customer service phone number,panasonic support phone number,panasonic telephone support,panasonic customer service 24 hours,panasonic help,panasonic contactpanasonic contact number,panasonic support number,panasonic customer care number,panasonic telephone number,nuance support,nuance technical support,nuance customer service,nuance dragon 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support,netgear technical support,netgear help,netgear customer service number,amazon prime video customer service,amazon video help,amazon prime video phone number,amazon prime video customer service number,prime video customer service,amazon prime video help,amazon prime video contactamazon video customer service,prime video phone number,amazon video help number,amazon video customer service phone number,amazon prime video support,amazon prime video customer service phone number,amazon prime video contact number,amazon video customer service number,prime video customer service number,call amazon prime video,prime video number,prime video customer service phone number,prime video contact number,amazon prime video number,prime video help,amazon video phone number,prime video support,contact prime video,prime video contact,phone number for prime video,amazon video contact
ashu - il y a 1799 jours
Call the support number to get support & help from independent third party specialists to resolve the software and computer issues Call 1-808-468-0006 independent support,Official support,OEM support,independent third party support,Voice support,support phone number,support number,customer service number,customer support number,customer service phone number,customer support phone number,roadrunner email setup,road runner customer serviceroadrunner email supportroadrunner customer service,roadrunner support,roadrunner numbersroadrunner phone number,roadrunner email help,roadrunner email customer service,roadrunner email support phone number,roadrunner email customer service phone number,roadrunner email technical support,roadrunner email tech support,roadrunner email support number,roadrunner email customer service number,roadrunner email phone number,roadrunner email customer support,roadrunner email tech support phone number,roadrunner mail help,roadrunner email technical support phone number,roadrunner email set up,roadrunner mail setup,roadrunner email help phone number,roadrunner mail customer service,roadrunner email technical support number.road runner email setup,qsee support,q see customer service,qsee customer service,q see camera support,q see phone number,qsee support phone number,q see contact,q see quick support,qsee customer service phone number,q see customer service number,q see camera customer service number,q see customer support number,q see live chat,q see chat support,panasonic customer service,panasonic support,panasonic phone number,panasonic customer service number,panasonic customer support,panasonic customer service phone number,panasonic support phone number,panasonic telephone support,panasonic customer service 24 hours,panasonic help,panasonic contactpanasonic contact number,panasonic support number,panasonic customer care number,panasonic telephone number,nuance support,nuance technical support,nuance customer service,nuance dragon 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number,norton antivirus tech support phone number,norton tech support number,norton security contact,norton antivirus contactnorton security customer service,norton antivirus customer service phone number,norton phone support,norton chat supportnorton help desk,norton customer support,norton phone,norton telephone number,norton 360 customer service phone number,norton internet security customer service phone number,norton security support,norton chat,norton security customer service phone number,norton customer care,contact norton support,norton customer support number,norton help number,call norton,norton customer service chat,norton customer service phone,norton contact us,netgear support,netgear setup,netgear tech support,netgear customer service,netgear support number,netgear router setup,netgear phone number,netgear customer support,netgear wifi extender setup,netgear extender setup,netgear contact,netgear support phone number,netgear range extender setupsupport netgear,netgear 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support,netgear technical support,netgear help,netgear customer service number,amazon prime video customer service,amazon video help,amazon prime video phone number,amazon prime video customer service number,prime video customer service,amazon prime video help,amazon prime video contactamazon video customer service,prime video phone number,amazon video help number,amazon video customer service phone number,amazon prime video support,amazon prime video customer service phone number,amazon prime video contact number,amazon video customer service number,prime video customer service number,call amazon prime video,prime video number,prime video customer service phone number,prime video contact number,amazon prime video number,prime video help,amazon video phone number,prime video support,contact prime video,prime video contact,phone number for prime video,amazon video contact
ashu - il y a 1799 jours
Call the support number to get support & help from independent third party specialists to resolve the software and computer issues Call 1-808-468-0006 independent support,Official support,OEM support,independent third party support,Voice support,support phone number,support number,customer service number,customer support number,customer service phone number,customer support phone number,roadrunner email setup,road runner customer serviceroadrunner email supportroadrunner customer service,roadrunner support,roadrunner numbersroadrunner phone number,roadrunner email help,roadrunner email customer service,roadrunner email support phone number,roadrunner email customer service phone number,roadrunner email technical support,roadrunner email tech support,roadrunner email support number,roadrunner email customer service number,roadrunner email phone number,roadrunner email customer support,roadrunner email tech support phone number,roadrunner mail help,roadrunner email technical support phone number,roadrunner email set up,roadrunner mail setup,roadrunner email help phone number,roadrunner mail customer service,roadrunner email technical support number.road runner email setup,qsee support,q see customer service,qsee customer service,q see camera support,q see phone number,qsee support phone number,q see contact,q see quick support,qsee customer service phone number,q see customer service number,q see camera customer service number,q see customer support number,q see live chat,q see chat support,panasonic customer service,panasonic support,panasonic phone number,panasonic customer service number,panasonic customer support,panasonic customer service phone number,panasonic support phone number,panasonic telephone support,panasonic customer service 24 hours,panasonic help,panasonic contactpanasonic contact number,panasonic support number,panasonic customer care number,panasonic telephone number,nuance support,nuance technical support,nuance customer service,nuance dragon 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number,norton antivirus tech support phone number,norton tech support number,norton security contact,norton antivirus contactnorton security customer service,norton antivirus customer service phone number,norton phone support,norton chat supportnorton help desk,norton customer support,norton phone,norton telephone number,norton 360 customer service phone number,norton internet security customer service phone number,norton security support,norton chat,norton security customer service phone number,norton customer care,contact norton support,norton customer support number,norton help number,call norton,norton customer service chat,norton customer service phone,norton contact us,netgear support,netgear setup,netgear tech support,netgear customer service,netgear support number,netgear router setup,netgear phone number,netgear customer support,netgear wifi extender setup,netgear extender setup,netgear contact,netgear support phone number,netgear range extender setupsupport netgear,netgear wireless router setup,netgear router support number,netgear router tech support number,netgear tech support phone number,netgear tech support number,netgear router support phone number,netgear router customer service numbernetgear router customer service,netgear router support,netgear number,netgear contact number,netgear router customer service phone number,netgear customer care,netgear router helpnetgear router phone number,netgear technical support phone number,netgear customer care number,netgear customer support number,netgear customer service phone number,netgear router tech support,call netgear,netgear customer support phone number,netgear phone support,netgear telephone number,netgear online support,netgear 800 number,call netgear support,netgear wifi router setup,netgear router extender setup,netgear 1800 number,contact netgear support,netgear tech support phonenetgear customer service hours,netgear helpline,netgear router tech support phone number usa,netgear chat support,netgear technical support,netgear help,netgear customer service number,amazon prime video customer service,amazon video help,amazon prime video phone number,amazon prime video customer service number,prime video customer service,amazon prime video help,amazon prime video contactamazon video customer service,prime video phone number,amazon video help number,amazon video customer service phone number,amazon prime video support,amazon prime video customer service phone number,amazon prime video contact number,amazon video customer service number,prime video customer service number,call amazon prime video,prime video number,prime video customer service phone number,prime video contact number,amazon prime video number,prime video help,amazon video phone number,prime video support,contact prime video,prime video contact,phone number for prime video,amazon video contact
ashu - il y a 1799 jours
Call the support number to get support & help from independent third party specialists to resolve the software and computer issues Call 1-808-468-0006 independent support,Official support,OEM support,independent third party support,Voice support,support phone number,support number,customer service number,customer support number,customer service phone number,customer support phone number,roadrunner email setup,road runner customer serviceroadrunner email supportroadrunner customer service,roadrunner support,roadrunner numbersroadrunner phone number,roadrunner email help,roadrunner email customer service,roadrunner email support phone number,roadrunner email customer service phone number,roadrunner email technical support,roadrunner email tech support,roadrunner email support number,roadrunner email customer service number,roadrunner email phone number,roadrunner email customer support,roadrunner email tech support phone number,roadrunner mail help,roadrunner email technical support phone number,roadrunner email set up,roadrunner mail setup,roadrunner email help phone number,roadrunner mail customer service,roadrunner email technical support number.road runner email setup,qsee support,q see customer service,qsee customer service,q see camera support,q see phone number,qsee support phone number,q see contact,q see quick support,qsee customer service phone number,q see customer service number,q see camera customer service number,q see customer support number,q see live chat,q see chat support,panasonic customer service,panasonic support,panasonic phone number,panasonic customer service number,panasonic customer support,panasonic customer service phone number,panasonic support phone number,panasonic telephone support,panasonic customer service 24 hours,panasonic help,panasonic contactpanasonic contact number,panasonic support number,panasonic customer care number,panasonic telephone number,nuance support,nuance technical support,nuance customer service,nuance dragon support,dragon naturally speaking support,dragon support,nuance customer support,www nuance com support,nuance phone number,dragon nuance support,nuance tech support,dragon naturally speaking customer service,nuance support number,nuance help,dragon naturally speaking technical support,nuance support phone number,nuance customer service phone number,dragon naturally speaking phone number,dragon naturally speaking support phone number,norton support,norton setup,norton tech supportnorton helpnorton support numbernorton customer service,norton phone number,norton 360 phone number,norton technical support number,norton technical support,norton customer service number,norton support phone number,norton antivirus phone number,norton 360 support,norton contact number,norton antivirus support phone number,norton tech support phone number,norton security phone number,norton antivirus customer service,norton number,norton contact,norton antivirus support,norton customer service phone number,norton antivirus tech support phone number,norton tech support number,norton security contact,norton antivirus contactnorton security customer service,norton antivirus customer service phone number,norton phone support,norton chat supportnorton help desk,norton customer support,norton phone,norton telephone number,norton 360 customer service phone number,norton internet security customer service phone number,norton security support,norton chat,norton security customer service phone number,norton customer care,contact norton support,norton customer support number,norton help number,call norton,norton customer service chat,norton customer service phone,norton contact us,netgear support,netgear setup,netgear tech support,netgear customer service,netgear support number,netgear router setup,netgear phone number,netgear customer support,netgear wifi extender setup,netgear extender setup,netgear contact,netgear support phone number,netgear range extender setupsupport netgear,netgear wireless router setup,netgear router support number,netgear router tech support number,netgear tech support phone number,netgear tech support number,netgear router support phone number,netgear router customer service numbernetgear router customer service,netgear router support,netgear number,netgear contact number,netgear router customer service phone number,netgear customer care,netgear router helpnetgear router phone number,netgear technical support phone number,netgear customer care number,netgear customer support number,netgear customer service phone number,netgear router tech support,call netgear,netgear customer support phone number,netgear phone support,netgear telephone number,netgear online support,netgear 800 number,call netgear support,netgear wifi router setup,netgear router extender setup,netgear 1800 number,contact netgear support,netgear tech support phonenetgear customer service hours,netgear helpline,netgear router tech support phone number usa,netgear chat support,netgear technical support,netgear help,netgear customer service number,amazon prime video customer service,amazon video help,amazon prime video phone number,amazon prime video customer service number,prime video customer service,amazon prime video help,amazon prime video contactamazon video customer service,prime video phone number,amazon video help number,amazon video customer service phone number,amazon prime video support,amazon prime video customer service phone number,amazon prime video contact number,amazon video customer service number,prime video customer service number,call amazon prime video,prime video number,prime video customer service phone number,prime video contact number,amazon prime video number,prime video help,amazon video phone number,prime video support,contact prime video,prime video contact,phone number for prime video,amazon video contact
ashu - il y a 1799 jours
Call the support number to get support & help from independent third party specialists to resolve the software and computer issues Call 1-808-468-0006 independent support,Official support,OEM support,independent third party support,Voice support,support phone number,support number,customer service number,customer support number,customer service phone number,customer support phone number,roadrunner email setup,road runner customer serviceroadrunner email supportroadrunner customer service,roadrunner support,roadrunner numbersroadrunner phone number,roadrunner email help,roadrunner email customer service,roadrunner email support phone number,roadrunner email customer service phone number,roadrunner email technical support,roadrunner email tech support,roadrunner email support number,roadrunner email customer service number,roadrunner email phone number,roadrunner email customer support,roadrunner email tech support phone number,roadrunner mail help,roadrunner email technical support phone number,roadrunner email set up,roadrunner mail setup,roadrunner email help phone number,roadrunner mail customer service,roadrunner email technical support number.road runner email setup,qsee support,q see customer service,qsee customer service,q see camera support,q see phone number,qsee support phone number,q see contact,q see quick support,qsee customer service phone number,q see customer service number,q see camera customer service number,q see customer support number,q see live chat,q see chat support,panasonic customer service,panasonic support,panasonic phone number,panasonic customer service number,panasonic customer support,panasonic customer service phone number,panasonic support phone number,panasonic telephone support,panasonic customer service 24 hours,panasonic help,panasonic contactpanasonic contact number,panasonic support number,panasonic customer care number,panasonic telephone number,nuance support,nuance technical support,nuance customer service,nuance dragon 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ashu - il y a 1799 jours
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