Entretien d'orchidées

Publié mardi 15 mars 2016 Commenter 1996
Petite fille soignant une orchidée


L’orchidée est une plante d’intérieur très appréciée et très réputée. Sa variété la plus répandue est le phalaenopsis, dont le nom signifie « papillon ». En effet, ses fleurs sont généralement de grande taille, roses, blanches, mauves ou jaunes, et leur forme fait penser à celle d’un papillon.

Le pot et le substrat

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Les orchidées sont souvent vendues dans des pots en plastique transparent : cela contribue à maintenir la plante en bonne santé, car les racines ont aussi besoin de lumière ! Si vous souhaitez rempoter votre orchidée, veillez donc à lui choisir un pot ou un cache pot en verre transparent ou au moins translucide. Tous les 2 ou 3 ans, votre orchidée a besoin d’être rempotée, comme toutes les plantes d’intérieur. Dans un pot plus grand, disposez donc le substrat constitué d’écorces de pin principalement, de mousse ou de copeaux : ces plantes sont en effet épiphytes, c'est-à-dire qu’il est bon de laisser leurs racines se dessécher un peu entre deux arrosages.

Lumière et exposition

Les orchidées ont besoin de lumière pour vivre : installez-les dans un endroit bien éclairé. Mais attention à ne pas les mettre en contact avec la lumière directe du soleil, faute de quoi leurs feuilles brûleraient. Une température de 18 à 22°C est optimale pour leur développement.


Attention au pourrissement des racines ! L’arrosage doit être régulier, mais il faut à tout prix éviter l’eau stagnante au niveau des racines. Si le pot est rempli d’un substrat bien drainant, vous pouvez arroser l’orchidée généreusement, et l’eau s’écoulera dans une coupelle sous le pot. On conseille une fréquence de 2 à 3 fois par semaine, rythme qui doit être réduit l’hiver. Un arrosage avec de l’eau de pluie ou de l’eau minérale est recommandé si l’eau du robinet est trop calcaire. Il peut aussi être utile de vaporiser les feuilles de temps en temps.

Après la floraison, coupez la grande tige qui portait les fleurs au niveau du deuxième nœud. Cela aidera à la repousse et favorisera une refloraison. Si cette tige ne se régénère pas et ne développe pas de nouvelle hampe florale, elle se dessèchera et vous pourrez alors la couper à sa base.

Les orchidées fournissent toute l’année des fleurs de belle taille et colorées. N’hésitez pas à découvrir toute la diversité des variétés de ce genre, en variant les formes et les couleurs !

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Philip - il y a 1614 jours
Orchids need ample water but should be allowed to dry out some between waterings. Also needs some pesticides, I have one question do Orchids needs cockroach control also? coz I found cockroach in my orchids. One way to check for watering is by poking your finger about an inch into the growing media. If it's dry, give it some water; otherwise, let it be. Indoor orchid plants also need adequate humidity, about fifty to seventy percent.
Philip - il y a 1614 jours
Orchids need ample water but should be allowed to dry out some between waterings. Also needs some pesticides, I have one question do Orchids needs cockroach control also? coz I found cockroach in my orchids. One way to check for watering is by poking your finger about an inch into the growing media. If it's dry, give it some water; otherwise, let it be. Indoor orchid plants also need adequate humidity, about fifty to seventy percent.
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Adams - il y a 1544 jours
After the flowers drop from the orchid you have three choices: leave the flower spike (or stem) intact, cut it back to a node, or remove it entirely. Remove the flower spike entirely by clipping it off at the base of the plant. This is definitely the route to take if the existing stem starts to turn brown or yellow. affordable bathroom remodeling minneapolis
Adams - il y a 1544 jours
After the flowers drop from the orchid you have three choices: leave the flower spike (or stem) intact, cut it back to a node, or remove it entirely. Remove the flower spike entirely by clipping it off at the base of the plant. This is definitely the route to take if the existing stem starts to turn brown or yellow. affordable bathroom remodeling minneapolis
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Melo - il y a 1433 jours
Keep orchids in a well-lit area, but not in direct sun or cold, drafty spots. If the plant gets too little light, it won't bloom. Remember: The larger the leaf, the less light it needs. Most orchids should only be watered about once a week. And maybe you can also plant Orchids in retaining wall
Melo Leonardo - il y a 1433 jours
Keep orchids in a well-lit area, but not in direct sun or cold, drafty spots. If the plant gets too little light, it won't bloom. Remember: The larger the leaf, the less light it needs. Most orchids should only be watered about once a week. And maybe you can also plant Orchids in retaining wall
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Colleen Crawford - il y a 1430 jours
They really need a care to grow properly. Thanks for the tips! Roof Inspection Sacramento
Vanesa - il y a 1430 jours
Wow! Your ideas and knowledge about taking care of orchids really helps on my hubby. I have so many orchids here in my garden, but I have only few knowledge on how to take good care of it. Well, after my whole day of work, I spend some time taking care of my beautiful orchids. By the way, I mentioned about my work, if somebody wants to have a clean out on your house and back yard because of sticking dirt, then you may have a power washing services. Better check it out. Thanks for your wonderful ideas! Cheers!
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Xander - il y a 1422 jours
In general, water once a week during the winter and twice a week when the weather turns warm and dry. The size of your orchid container also helps determine how often you need to water, regardless of climate conditions. Typically, a 6-inch pot needs water every 7 days and a 4-inch pot needs water every 5 to 6 days. Family Lawyers Melbourne
Xander - il y a 1422 jours
In general, water once a week during the winter and twice a week when the weather turns warm and dry. The size of your orchid container also helps determine how often you need to water, regardless of climate conditions. Typically, a 6-inch pot needs water every 7 days and a 4-inch pot needs water every 5 to 6 days. Family Lawyers Melbourne
William - il y a 1420 jours
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カナカナ - il y a 944 jours
دردشة عراقية دردشة عراقية دردشة عراقية دردشة عراقية دردشة عراقية دردشة عراقية دردشة عراقية دردشة عراقية دردشة عراقية دردشة عراقية دردشة عراقية دردشة عراقية دردشة عراقية دردشة عراقية دردشة عراقية دردشة عراقية دردشة عراقية دردشة عراقية دردشة عراقية دردشة عراقية دردشة عراقية دردشة عراقية دردشة عراقية دردشة عراقية دردشة عراقية دردشة عراقية دردشة عراقية دردشة عراقية دردشة عراقية دردشة عراقية دردشة عراقية دردشة عراقية دردشة عراقية دردشة عراقية دردشة عراقية دردشة عراقية دردشة عراقية دردشة عراقية دردشة عراقية دردشة عراقية دردشة عراقية دردشة عراقية دردشة عراقية دردشة عراقية دردشة عراقية دردشة عراقية دردشة عراقية دردشة عراقية دردشة عراقية دردشة عراقية دردشة عراقية دردشة عراقية دردشة عراقية دردشة عراقية دردشة عراقية دردشة عراقية دردشة عراقية دردشة عراقية دردشة عراقية دردشة عراقية دردشة عراقية دردشة عراقية دردشة عراقية دردشة عراقية دردشة عراقية دردشة عراقية دردشة عراقية دردشة عراقية دردشة عراقية دردشة عراقية دردشة عراقية دردشة عراقية دردشة عراقية دردشة عراقية دردشة عراقية دردشة عراقية دردشة عراقية 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suntech - il y a 942 jours
On the present market for textile equipment, there is a wide variety of different types of automated fabric cutting machines. Fabric sample cutting machine by fabric distributor to show their fabric sample to their client;non woven fabric slitting machineand cloth roll cutting machine required by the fabric supplier to do selvedge trimming or strip cutting; the fully automatic fabric cutting machine required by the fully automatic fabric cutting machine required by the fully automatic fabric cutting machine required by the fully automatic fabric cutting machine required by the fully automatic fabric cutting machine required by the fully automatic fabric cutting machine required by the fully automatic fabric cutting machine required by the fully automatic fabric cutting machine required by the fully automatic fabric cutting machine required by Eyeglass cloth producers and makers of fabric sample brochures may now choose from two distinct types of cutting machines made available by SUNTECH. This machine has the capability of cutting a wide variety of fabric samples in a wide variety of widths. One is a completely automated fabric cutting machine, model ST-ASCM, while the other is a hand-cranked automatic fabric sample cutting machine, model ST-ASCM-H. Both of these machines are models ST-ASCM. Additionally, we are able to provide both a zig-zag cutting blade and a flat cutting blade, both of which may be readily switched out. Permit me to begin by introducing you to the hand-cranked automated fabric sample cutting machine, model ST-ASCM-H. This machine is extremely simple to use and requires very little training.
suntech - il y a 942 jours
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