La signification des couleurs des fleurs

Publié dimanche 18 mai 2014 Commenter 174
Fleurs colorées


Offrir des fleurs à un être aimé, désiré ou juste admiré ne se fait souvent jamais sans raison : les fleurs sont un gage d’amour, de tendresse ou de remerciement. Elles parlent aussi bien par leur couleur et leur odeur que par leur nature à ceux qui les reçoivent. Mais que disent-elles vraiment ? Voici un guide qui vous aidera à décrypter le sens et la signification de leur couleur afin d’éviter les impairs!

Origine de la signification des couleurs des fleurs

Le sens des couleurs trouve ses origines dans les mythologies grecque et romaine. Reprises, déformées et adaptées à travers les âges, les significations des couleurs peuvent varier selon les cultures. Néanmoins, c’est principalement au XIXe siècle que le langage des fleurs et de leur couleur s’est popularisé : les fleurs permettaient en effet d’exprimer des sentiments que les oreilles chastes et nobles de l’époque ne pouvaient entendre autrement… Aujourd’hui, c’est davantage pour ajouter un côté poétique voire romantique au bouquet que certains accordent une grande importance à la signification des couleurs.

Le sens des couleurs

Chaque couleur, dans le langage des fleurs, a un sens particulier:

  • Les fleurs blanches. Les fleurs blanches sont synonymes de pureté, d’élégance et de perfection. Elles s’offrent lors d’évènements familiaux solennels tels que les mariages, décès, naissances ou communions. Si vous recevez de telles fleurs, cela peut aussi signifier que vous avez toute l’admiration de leur expéditeur ! Côté fleurs blanches, lys, gardénias, anémones des bois, arabettes, aubépines, marguerites, muguets, perce-neige ou encore camélias et clématites raviront vos bouquets.
  • Les fleurs jaunes. Les fleurs jaunes rappellent la chaleur du soleil et la lumière du jour. Elles sont donc associées à la prospérité, au bonheur et au succès. Mais le jaune est également symbole d’infidélité et de trahison. Evitez donc absolument d’offrir des fleurs jaunes à votre être aimé qui pourrait se méprendre. Offrez-les en revanche pour remercier un proche ou une connaissance d’une aide ou d’un service rendu : jonquilles, chrysanthèmes, capucines, tournesols, anthémis, aneths, mimosas ou renoncules apporteront ainsi un peu de soleil et de joie dans leur maison.
  • Les fleurs orange. L’orange est le reflet de l’équilibre et de la gaieté. Si votre amant choisit un bouquet de cette couleur, c’est sans doute parce qu’il croit en votre amour solide et indestructible. Capucines, renoncules et gerberas témoigneront de cette passion pour la vie !
  • Les fleurs roses. Les fleurs roses signifient tout à la fois la jeunesse, l’affection et la tendresse. Glissez une fleur rose à votre maman ou grand-maman pour sa fête, vous lui témoignerez ainsi toute votre affection. Les fleurs roses peuvent également être offertes en signe d’amitié pour un anniversaire par exemple. Camélias, magnolias, pivoines ou œillets se chargeront à merveilles de cette douce mission.
  • Les fleurs rouges. Du rouge ressortent les sentiments les plus ardents : amour, désir et passion seront donc les maître-mots de ces fleurs. Les roses rouges ont par exemple traversé des générations d’amoureux qui y voient encore aujourd’hui le symbole suprême de leur amour fougueux. Outre les roses, camélias, œillets, anémones ou tulipes donneront aussi plus de relief à votre bouquet.
  • Les fleurs bleues. Ne vous a-t-on jamais dit que vous étiez « fleur bleue » ? Par le sens de la couleur, on en retrouve l’expression : le bleu, réservé aux êtres sentimentaux est aussi un gage de sérénité et de paix mais reflète également l’inaccessibilité. C’est aux hydrangées, iris, delphiniums, myosotis ou gentianes de transmettre calme et sérénité à ceux qui les reçoivent !
  • Les fleurs violettes. Au violet sont rattachées les notions d’humilité, de générosité et de délicatesse. En offrant violettes, iris, lilas, anémones ou campanules, vous pourrez avouer ou tout simplement réaffirmer votre amour discret mais sincère à la personne aimée.
  • Les fleurs vertes. Le vert est la couleur de l’espoir, de la joie et de l’optimisme nous a-t-on souvent dit. Pourtant, pas si simple de composer un bouquet de fleurs vertes. Les chrysanthèmes en pompon vert vous donneront du volume mais n’hésitez pas à rehaussez votre bouquet de fleurs blanches dont les significations d’innocence et de beauté en renforceront le sens. Vous pouvez également privilégier des fleurs au feuillage dense.

En bref !

Voici un récapitulatif qui vous aidera à donner tout son sens et son poésie à votre bouquet. Dans tous les cas, n’hésitez pas à associer des couleurs assorties : vous marierez les couleurs et enrichirez la symbolique de votre bouquet.

Couleur des fleurs


A offrir à l’occasion de

Exemples de fleurs

Fleurs blanches








Lys, gardénias, anémones des bois, arabettes, aubépines, marguerites, muguets, perce-neige ou encore camélias et clématites

Fleurs jaunes






En remerciement

Jonquilles, chrysanthèmes, capucines, tournesols, anthémis, aneths, mimosas ou renoncules

Fleurs orange



En témoignage d’un amour solide et indestructible

Capucines, renoncules et gerberas

Fleurs roses




Fêtes des mères et des grands-mères


Camélias, magnolias, pivoines ou œillets

Fleurs rouges




En témoignage d’un amour passionné

Lors d’une demande en mariage

Roses, camélias, œillets, anémones ou tulipes

Fleurs bleues






Hydrangées, iris, delphiniums, myosotis ou gentianes

Fleurs violettes




Réaffirmation d’un amour discret mais sincère à la personne aimée

Violettes, iris, lilas, anémones ou campanules

Fleurs vertes




Evènement heureux et porteur d’espoir

Chrysanthèmes en pompon vert

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Wordle - il y a 527 jours
Wordle is an online game that challenges players to guess a five-letter word within six attempts. Each guess is met with color-coded feedback: green for correct letters in the right position, yellow for correct letters in the wrong position, and gray for incorrect letters. The objective is to decode the hidden word using these clues. play NYT Wordle and Improve Your Vocabulary.
Wordle - il y a 527 jours
Wordle is an online game that challenges players to guess a five-letter word within six attempts. Each guess is met with color-coded feedback: green for correct letters in the right position, yellow for correct letters in the wrong position, and gray for incorrect letters. The objective is to decode the hidden word using these clues. play NYT Wordle and Improve Your Vocabulary.
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Wordle 2 is an updated version of the popular word puzzle game called "Wordle." The word-guessing game challenges players to guess a hidden five-letter word within six attempts. Here's how to play Wordle 2
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Wordle is a word puzzle game that challenges players to guess a five-letter word within six attempts. After each guess, the game provides feedback by highlighting the letters in different colors. If you want to play Wordlenyt in The New York Times or any other platform.
Naomi - il y a 443 jours
Wordle is a word puzzle game that challenges players to guess a five-letter word within six attempts. After each guess, the game provides feedback by highlighting the letters in different colors. If you want to play Wordlenyt in The New York Times or any other platform.
Naomi - il y a 443 jours
Wordle is a word puzzle game that challenges players to guess a five-letter word within six attempts. After each guess, the game provides feedback by highlighting the letters in different colors. If you want to play Wordlenyt in The New York Times or any other platform.
Naomi - il y a 443 jours
Wordle is a word puzzle game that challenges players to guess a five-letter word within six attempts. After each guess, the game provides feedback by highlighting the letters in different colors. If you want to play Wordlenyt in The New York Times or any other platform.
NYTWordleNYT - il y a 409 jours
The Wordle NYT has undoubtedly left an indelible mark on the world of word games. Its addictive gameplay, daily engagement, social media craze, spin-offs, and educational value collectively contribute to its widespread appeal. As NYT Wordle continues to evolve and capture the hearts of players worldwide, it stands as a testament to the enduring power of simple yet engaging word puzzles.
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The Wordle NYT has undoubtedly left an indelible mark on the world of word games. Its addictive gameplay, daily engagement, social media craze, spin-offs, and educational value collectively contribute to its widespread appeal. As NYT Wordle continues to evolve and capture the hearts of players worldwide, it stands as a testament to the enduring power of simple yet engaging word puzzles.
NYTWordleNYT - il y a 409 jours
The Wordle NYT has undoubtedly left an indelible mark on the world of word games. Its addictive gameplay, daily engagement, social media craze, spin-offs, and educational value collectively contribute to its widespread appeal. As NYT Wordle continues to evolve and capture the hearts of players worldwide, it stands as a testament to the enduring power of simple yet engaging word puzzles.
NYTWordleNYT - il y a 409 jours
The Wordle NYT has undoubtedly left an indelible mark on the world of word games. Its addictive gameplay, daily engagement, social media craze, spin-offs, and educational value collectively contribute to its widespread appeal. As NYT Wordle continues to evolve and capture the hearts of players worldwide, it stands as a testament to the enduring power of simple yet engaging word puzzles.
NYTWordleNYT - il y a 409 jours
The Wordle NYT has undoubtedly left an indelible mark on the world of word games. Its addictive gameplay, daily engagement, social media craze, spin-offs, and educational value collectively contribute to its widespread appeal. As NYT Wordle continues to evolve and capture the hearts of players worldwide, it stands as a testament to the enduring power of simple yet engaging word puzzles.
Wordle - il y a 409 jours
The Wordle NYT has undoubtedly left an indelible mark on the world of word games. Its addictive gameplay, daily engagement, social media craze, spin-offs, and educational value collectively contribute to its widespread appeal. As NYT Wordle continues to evolve and capture the hearts of players worldwide, it stands as a testament to the enduring power of simple yet engaging word puzzles.
Wordle - il y a 409 jours
The Wordle NYT has undoubtedly left an indelible mark on the world of word games. Its addictive gameplay, daily engagement, social media craze, spin-offs, and educational value collectively contribute to its widespread appeal.
Wordle - il y a 409 jours
The Wordle NYT has undoubtedly left an indelible mark on the world of word games. Its addictive gameplay, daily engagement, social media craze, spin-offs, and educational value collectively contribute to its widespread appeal.
Wordle - il y a 409 jours
The Wordle NYT has undoubtedly left an indelible mark on the world of word games. Its addictive gameplay, daily engagement, social media craze, spin-offs, and educational value collectively contribute to its widespread appeal.
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Networking has long been hailed as a crucial component of professional success, and in today's digital age, its significance has only magnified. In the realm of career advancement and personal growth, the ability to forge meaningful connections can open doors to opportunities that may have otherwise remained elusive. Understanding the dynamics of networking and how to navigate them effectively is key to leveraging its full potential.
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nytconnectionsNetworking has long been hailed as a crucial component of professional success, and in today's digital age, its significance has only magnified. In the realm of career advancement and personal growth, the ability to forge meaningful connections can open doors to opportunities that may have otherwise remained elusive. Understanding the dynamics of networking and how to navigate them effectively is key to leveraging its full potential.
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nytconnectionsNetworking has long been hailed as a crucial component of professional success, and in today's digital age, its significance has only magnified. In the realm of career advancement and personal growth, the ability to forge meaningful connections can open doors to opportunities that may have otherwise remained elusive. Understanding the dynamics of networking and how to navigate them effectively is key to leveraging its full potential.
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nytconnectionsNetworking has long been hailed as a crucial component of professional success, and in today's digital age, its significance has only magnified. In the realm of career advancement and personal growth, the ability to forge meaningful connections can open doors to opportunities that may have otherwise remained elusive. Understanding the dynamics of networking and how to navigate them effectively is key to leveraging its full potential.
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nytconnectionsNetworking has long been hailed as a crucial component of professional success, and in today's digital age, its significance has only magnified. In the realm of career advancement and personal growth, the ability to forge meaningful connections can open doors to opportunities that may have otherwise remained elusive. Understanding the dynamics of networking and how to navigate them effectively is key to leveraging its full potential.
nyt connections - il y a 287 jours
nytconnectionsNetworking has long been hailed as a crucial component of professional success, and in today's digital age, its significance has only magnified. In the realm of career advancement and personal growth, the ability to forge meaningful connections can open doors to opportunities that may have otherwise remained elusive. Understanding the dynamics of networking and how to navigate them effectively is key to leveraging its full potential.
nyt connections - il y a 287 jours
nytconnectionsNetworking has long been hailed as a crucial component of professional success, and in today's digital age, its significance has only magnified. In the realm of career advancement and personal growth, the ability to forge meaningful connections can open doors to opportunities that may have otherwise remained elusive. Understanding the dynamics of networking and how to navigate them effectively is key to leveraging its full potential.
connections nyt - il y a 266 jours
To get started with the Connections NYT Game, players need to connect words or phrases that have logical or thematic links. Each round presents a set of seemingly disparate words, and your task is to weave a thread through them by finding hidden associations. The basic rules are simple, yet mastering the game can be delightfully challenging. For beginners, focusing on common themes, such as synonyms or related concepts, can be a helpful starting point.
connections nyt - il y a 266 jours
To get started with the Connections NYT Game, players need to connect words or phrases that have logical or thematic links. Each round presents a set of seemingly disparate words, and your task is to weave a thread through them by finding hidden associations. The basic rules are simple, yet mastering the game can be delightfully challenging. For beginners, focusing on common themes, such as synonyms or related concepts, can be a helpful starting point. connections game nyt
Nerdle - il y a 266 jours
To begin playing Nerdle, you visit its website and are immediately presented with the day’s puzzle. You enter what you believe is the correct equation in the input box and submit it to see how many of your numbers and operators are correctly placed.
Solitaire - il y a 266 jours
Solitaire, often known as 'Patience' in some parts of the world, is a card game that can be played by a single individual. Known for its simple set of rules and engaging nature, it's a popular pastime that has stood the test of time, offering not just fun but also some intriguing cognitive benefits.
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Hakaneadrezaa - il y a 85 jours
Flowers are the most fragrant type of plant that helps us express ourselves. The only flowers that come to our mind on our anniversaries and birthdays are flowers. I like white and red flowers more here. I usually give them as gifts in these colors, what about you?
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I like white and red flowers more here. I usually give them as gifts in these colors, what about you?bloxd io
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I like white and red flowers more here. I usually give them as gifts in these colors, what about you?bloxd io
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I love red flowers very much, I am very happy when they are given as a gift. My favorite color is red and white roses like in bloxd io. What about you?
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I love red flowers very much, I am very happy when they are given as a gift. My favorite color is red and white roses like in bloxd io. What about you?
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I love red flowers very much, I am very happy when they are given as a gift. My favorite color is red and white roses like in bloxd io. What about you?
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I love red flowers very much, I am very happy when they are given as a gift. My favorite color is red and white roses like in bloxd io. What about you?
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I love red flowers very much, I am very happy when they are given as a gift. My favorite color is red and white roses like in bloxd io. What about you?
Encyclopédie des plantes
Acacia Albizzia Althéa Arbousier Artichaut de laon Azalée du japon Bacopa Bambou non traçant Bidens Bouleau pleureur Brocoli chinois Cactus de Noël Calla Cardons Catalpa Cèdre du liban Chamaecyparis Ciboule de chine Ciste Combava Cornus florida Courgette jaune Cycas Cyprès de florence Cyprès de provence
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